Courthouse Files

Pennsylvania Cop Acquitted for Ripping Phone from Woman and Beating her for Recording Traffic Stop

A Pennsylvania cop arrested for ripping a phone out of a woman’s hand because she was recording, then slamming it on a sidewalk and punching her in the face was acquitted of all charges Wednesday.
This despite video evidence proving Reading police officer Jesus Santiago-DeJesus violating the woman’s First Amendment right to record as well as proving he lied about why he had pulled her over in the first place.

California Cops Sued for Attacking Diabetic Man at Gunpoint, Mistaking Insulin for Heroin

A California man with diabetes is suing Long Beach police for attacking him while injecting the insulin that keeps him alive after mistaking his medicine for heroin.
The complaint states that 67-year-Miguel Angel Llamas was hanging out at his neighbor’s home when several cops rushed up to him brandishing their handguns and grabbing his arm, pulling out the medical-tubing attached to his arm for the dialysis treatment he undergoes each week – resulting in a bloody, painful experience.

GRAPHIC: California Cops Savagely Beat Teen For Recording Police, Caught in Massive Cover Up (UPDATED II)

Three California cops were caught on camera in a one-minute video (seen below) giving a 16-year old a devastating beating, cracking his legs with a baton and threatening the young man with a taser.
Three Pomona Police officers beat teenager Christian Aguilar into submission at the Los Angeles County Fair when he recorded them arresting his family.

Texas Cop Raped Prisoner, Entire Police Department Watched, Offered Victim Taco Instead of Reporting Assault

A Texas cop raped his prisoner on video, while the entire department watched.
Now the victim is suing the town of 4,000 residents for $5,000,000.
The tiny border town of La Joya only has a total of 11 police officers, and seven active officers have been named in the lawsuit including the current chief. La Joya’s former chief is also a named defendant.

Freddie Gray Trial: Baltimore Cop Caesar Goodson Not Guilty on All Charges

Baltimore Circuit Judge Barry Williams announced that Baltimore city police officer Caesar Goodson is not guilty for killing Freddie Gray.
Gray’s last moments were recorded in a dramatic video showing him alive and well by neighbor Kevin Moore at the Gilmour Homes in western Baltimore.
Officer Goodson was the driver of the van, accused of giving a rough ride to Gray leaving him paralyzed and on life support.

Louisiana Department Of Education Sues Man Just For Requesting Public Records

Louisiana’s top educator filed an unusual lawsuit against a citizen, for requesting public records sufficient to give oversight to one of the largest government agencies in his state.
James Finney, is a mathematician from Baton Rouge, and he likes to work with numbers.
He’s requesting the records he needs to review the statewide Louisiana Department of Education for compliance and performance.

Seattle Man Pepper Spayed by Cops While Talking to Mom on Phone Awarded $100,000 Settlement

A man who was on the phone with his mother when a Seattle police officer pepper sprayed him as he walked by will receive a $100,000 settlement.
Jesse Hagopian, a high school history teacher, had just given a speech during a Martin Luther King, Jr. event last year when Seattle police officer Sandra DeLaFuente pepper sprayed him, ordering him to get back, even though he was already walking away from her and was never that close to begin with.

Missouri Cop Sentenced to Four Years in Prison for Leaving Teen in Coma for Video Recording Traffic Stop

It started off as a routine traffic stop on a high school student in a residential neighborhood in Missouri with the cop getting angry that the teen was asking questions, so he tasered him for 20 seconds, sending the 17-year-old into cardiac arrest.
Independence police officer Timothy Runnels then yanked the boy out of the car, handcuffing him before picking him up and slamming him face first into a sidewalk, leaving the boy in a coma.
Runnels later claimed he had smelled marijuana in the car.

Ohio Man Beaten and Stuffed in Closet for Four Days Awarded $22 Million

Already having been accused of murdering a prostitute, East Cleveland Police Detective Randy Hicks was drunk when he and another cop pulled Arnold Black over, accusing the 45-year-old Ohio man of possessing a kilo of cocaine because he was driving a truck similar to a known drug dealer.
When Hicks found no cocaine, he punched Black in the face two times while officer Jonathan O’Leary held him up, telling Black he was angry at having left the bar where he had been pounding drinks with friends.

Oklahoma Reserve Deputy Sentenced to Four Years in “Fuck Your Breath” Slaying

When it came down to it, the pay-for-play cop wannabe was treated nothing like a cop when it came to sentencing.
Instead of the usual probation or slap-on-the-wrist sentencing, Oklahoma reserve deputy Robert Bates was sentenced to four years in prison for shooting a man in the back while trying to taser him – the maximum allowed by law for the charge of second-degree manslaughter, according to News 9.