Courthouse Files

NYPD Settles for Nearly $3 Million for Fabricating Charges Against Great-Grandfather to Protect Cop

An NYPD cop speeding on his police scooter lost control and ran into an elderly man crossing the street, sending the man flying head over heels and leaving him injured in the street.
New York City police officer Thomas Hopper then cited Jose Flores for jaywalking, accusing him of endangering the life of an officer by stepping in front of him, even though a surveillance video shows Flores looked both ways before crossing.
It also shows that Hopper had lost control and that the scooter was skidding on its side when it slammed into Flores on August 7, 2012.

Massachusetts Man Awarded $72,500 Settlement After he was Arrested Video Recording Cop Spewing Profanity

A Massachusetts man who was arrested on wiretapping charges for video recording a cop in front of his home yelling profanities into a phone was awarded a $72,500 settlement Monday.
George Thompson, a lifelong cook, said he is investing the money into a food truck named Bozo’s – in honor of the cop who arrested him – Fall River police officer Thomas Barboza.
Barboza, who received a one-day suspension for the profanities, is more than welcome to dine at Bozo’s after it opens this summer, Thompson said in an interview with Photography is Not a Crime Monday evening.

Palm Beach Sheriff Settles for $500,000 for Down Syndrome Teen They Shot down

The way Palm Beach County sheriff’s deputy Jason Franqui described it, he was about to be run over by a madman in a minivan.
He even made eye contact with him as the driver, who turned the steering wheel directly into his path in a final stare-d0wn before attempting to kill him.
Naturally, Franqui feared for his life and pulled out his gun, firing six shots, striking the 17-year-old Down syndrome boy who had taken his family’s minivan without permission for a low-speed joyride through the western suburbs of the county on a single flat-tire.

Award-Winning Washington Cop Runs Red Light and Crashes Into Teen, Then Cites Teen for DUI After Teen Admitted to Smoking Pot Two Hours Earlier

In an odd turn of events, a 16-year-old was charged with a DUI in Washington after a Spokane police officer ran a red light, crashed into the teenager and then blamed him for the accident.
Officer Seth Killian, who has been awarded countless accolades throughout his law enforcement career, was distracted and ran a red light on December 8 crashing into the teenager’s vehicle.
He even admitted to being at fault in the moments after the crash.
“I screwed up, man,” a distraught Killian is heard telling another officer in a conversation captured on his body cam.

New Jersey Cop Sentenced to Five Years in Prison After Dash Cam Video Proved He Lied on Arrest Report

A New Jersey cop who did not think twice about lying on a police report to send a man to prison was sentenced to five years in prison on Friday without the eligibility of parole.
And only because his dash cam contradicted his police report.
Otherwise, it may have been Marcus Jeter sentenced to prison on charges of eluding, resisting arrest, aggravated assault and attempting to disarm a police officer.

Fired Indiana Cop Arrested for Using Police Car to Protect Illegal Drug Operation Run by Baptist Preacher

More than a year after he and his wife were fired from an Indiana sheriff’s office for a scandal involving $250,000 that went missing, the former deputy was arrested for having used his patrol car to protect a massive drug operation while he was still employed.
And that comes just more than a year after Jason Wood and his wife, Teresa, were arrested for possession of synthetic drugs, specifically Spice, a synthetic type of marijuana that was made illegal in 2012 after it was proven to be much more dangerous than natural marijuana.

Award-Winning South Florida Deputy Stripped of Badge After Admitting to Perjury in Order to Steal $10,000 in Civil Forfeiture

Another award-winning law enforcement officer was stripped of his badge Tuesday after accepting a plea deal to avoid going to trial for perjury.
Palm Beach County sheriff’s deputy Stuart Sussman – the department’s 2014 Deputy of the Year – was probably shellshocked the perjury charges were brought against him in the first place considering how often it happens in law enforcement.

Pennsylvania Cop Cleared of Embezzlement Charges Through First-Time Offender’s Program Wants Job Back

A Pennsylvania cop accused of embezzling thousands of dollars from the Police Athletic League is now asking for her job back, saying she was innocent of all charges.
However, the court did not find Harrisburg police officer Jennie Jenkins innocent.
She simply avoided trial by agreeing to enter into Dauphin County’s Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition Program for first-time offenders, which enables citizens charged with non-violent crimes to avoid criminal charges.

Alabama Cop Acquitted of Excessive Force That Left Indian Man Paralyzed

Madison police officer Eric Parker has escaped the hands of justice for a third time.
This time, U.S.District Judge Madeline Haikala granted an acquittal motion by the Alabama cop’s attorneys. Hence, ending the federal civil trial for Parker permanently.
However, Parker, who has been on paid suspension since last year, challenging the department’s decision to fire him, is still facing a misdemeanor assault charge for the incident as well as a civil suit from the victim’s family.