Controlled Opposition

Austrian economics is big business: The Mises Institute’s $22 million war chest

According to the Ludwig von Mises Institute’s 2012 IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt filing, it reported a total of $22,268,915 in assets. We see then, how the promotion of Austrian economics is big business, and why its associates and founder, Lew Rockwell, are limited in what positions they will take on certain issues. For example, Lew Rockwell […]

What Does It Mean: Work Within the System To Bring About Change

What “They” Don’t Want You to Do: Seeing the Forest for the Trees
I want to talk about something that keeps coming up in the news, commentaries, NGO petitions and campaigns, and even in many of the interviews I conduct with my co-host Peter B. Collins. I want to talk about it without having to be polite and biting my tongue. Because I end up doing that a lot – in an effort to present my guests and their views – and do so without being too hard, contradictory or disrespectful. Believe me, it is hard. Sometimes I end up with blisters all over my tongue by the end of an interview.

The EyeOpener Report- The War on Journalism

The term “war on journalism” is an apt description of the current state of affairs because there is a war being waged on the public right now. It is a war for the hearts and minds of the population, and it is being waged by the bought-and-paid for government and the compliant repeaters in the corporate controlled dinosaur media that is bleeding readership and viewership as alternative entities increasingly dominate the information battlefield. Find out more about this war and the forces that are waging it in this week’s edition of the EyeOpener Report with James Corbett.

The EyeOpener Report- Spot the Whistleblowers-Follow the (Lack of) Money

If there is one thing that defines our current political era, it is the unprecedented crackdown on government whistleblowers. If the Bush administration’s invocation of the little used State Secrets Privilege to silence those exposing corruption is taken as the beginning point of this era, we have seen a steady progression throughout the past decade, culminating in Obama’s unprecedented war on whistleblowers.

Psssst Did You Know? At This Rate It Would Take 26 More Years to Release All Snowden Documents

I just finished reading a very telling post at my favorite site Cryptome. Don’t worry, it is not a lengthy article. In fact, it hits you with a few short sentences and numbers to go along with them. Here it is:
Out of reported 15,000 pages, The Guardian has published 192 pages in fourteen releases over four months, an average of 48 pages per month, or 1.28% of the total. At this rate it will take 26 years for full release.

BFP ProPublica Report-Part 4: An Alternative Media Shop with Mainstream Media Advisors

The New Gold Mines in the US Business Arena: Government-Approved & Establishment-Funded NGOs
Four years ago two Wall Street men came together and said: ‘Let’s set up a new business and make lots of money.’ They thought and researched and thought some more until they found the best business model to empower and enrich themselves on a grand scale: A Tax-Exempt NGO to be posed as An Alternative Media. And they did it.