Controlled Opposition

Portland Antifa Assaulted Two Men with Metal Pipes and then Sprayed Them with Mace at Weekend Protest

Adam Kelly, the man with the red beard, tried to help the older man and was smashed over the head with 'metal pipes' and was then sprayed with mace. Kelly received over 25 stitches/staples. Joseph Christian Evans, 34, was identified as one of the Antifa members who allegedly struck Kelly, and he was arrested.

Why Did Trey Gowdy Stop the Movement to Impeach Rod Rosenstein?

Mark Levin says that Gowdy ignored many sound reasons for Rosenstein's impeachment - and sees his performance in this matter as a repeat of Gowdy's "go-nowhere" treatment of the Benghazi investigation, which he also chaired. [The unspoken question has arisen about Gowdy being a 'mole' among conservatives acting to appear to be a champion of reform but actually working to prevent it.] [...]

A White Supremacist Rapist and Pedophile Runs for Congress as A Libertarian and Conservative. Could He Be A Facade for Something Else?

Nathan Larson is running for Congress on a platform of less government, an end to wars in the Middle East, defense of the Second Amendment, and closing the borders. However, he also has a background of violence, rape, and pedophilia. His candidacy is ideal for collectivists who want to paint all who oppose them as despicable characters. Could it be that collectivists are his hidden sponsors and handlers? If so, this is a classic case of controlled opposition - which means action that appears to be opposition but really is designed to damage or destroy genuine opposition.

Document Alleges Black Lives Matter Riots Were Organized by Soros

4Chan posted a document that allegedly came from the Friends of Democracy, founded by George Soros' son. The document, which has yet to be authenticated, shows that the Friends of Democracy planned the violent Baltimore protests in 2015, bused in and paid the protesters, colluded with law enforcement and tax firms, and intended the event to create conditions requiring a martial-law level of response. Click the link for my analysis to separate fact from fiction and an explanation of an old counter-intelligence trick.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 125 North Korea Anthrax Propaganda with Robbie Martin

Robbie Martin joins us for an in-depth look into the most recent saber rattling between the US and North Korea. We start off by talking about the general hysterical political rhetoric that we see here in the US. Robbie and I touch on the size of Trump’s nuclear button as an example. Next Robbie and I explore the strange stories that emerged just before the new year talking about North Korea’s anthrax weapon program.

The Hundredth Year: Revolutionaries Now Soaked in the Brine of Global Capital

This is going to be an exercise in redefining fascism after meeting with socialists on the hundredth anniversary of the great revolution. In the early 1900s, the Italians who invented the term Fascism also described it as estato corporativo, meaning: the corporate state.

Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the merger of state and corporate power.
— Benito Mussolini

Then you have that great liberal, giver over of social goods from the rich, Franklin D. Roosevelt, who once described fascism as

Charlottesville and the FBI’s Connection to White Supremacists

The so-called alt-right and the New Right are trying to draw a line between themselves and the white supremacist movement as the establishment media continues to conflate the two. On this episode of The Geopolitical Report, we take a look at the possibility the recent political violence in Charlottesville and elsewhere around the nation is being masterminded by the state in Hegelian Dialectic fashion to undermine and discredit both opponents and supporters of President Trump.