Content (Archive)

The Boston Marathon Bombing 10 Year Anniversary – Questions Remain

Watch on Rokfin / Odysee Journalist Derrick Broze reflects on the 10 year anniversary of the Boston Marathon Bombing, the lies propped up by the media, and what it means going forward. Sources: Why Are ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Worried About an Impending Power Grid Failure? Unanswered Questions About Tamerlan Tsarnaev Was Tamerlan Tsarnaev an FBI […]

The Freedom Cell Network is a Gateway to Unbanking, Unschooling, Permaculture, and Defeating the Great Reset

The following is a preview of “Leveraging the Freedom Cell Network for Homeschooling, Unbanking, and Permaculture”, a chapter from the 2nd edition of How To Opt-Out of the Technocratic State. Derrick Broze is the author of How to Opt Out of the Technocratic State and co-founder of The Freedom Cell Network. I have been involved […]

Social Media is The New Battlefield Feat. Whitney Webb, Ryan Cristián, Matt Ehret & Derrick Broze

On March 20th, TLAV founder Ryan Cristián and contributors Whitney Webb, Derrick Broze and Matthew Ehret discussed the public's ignorance of social media networks as the battlefield for next generation warfare.
The post Social Media is The New Battlefield Feat. Whitney Webb, Ryan Cristián, Matt Ehret & Derrick Broze appeared first on The Conscious Resistance Network.

Know Your Rights: A Guide to Consciously Resisting Non-Consensual Police Encounters

As conscious resisters, we understand that the State operates under a different set of rules than our own. However, to protect our existing freedoms and ensure that the State adheres to their own dogma, it is important to understand the laws that govern our interactions with law enforcement officials. In this article, we will cover […]

Live Free, Think Free (4/14/23): The Powers That Wish They Were Will Fail

Derrick Broze and Micah Jackson are back for another episode of Live Free, Think Free on The Conscious Resistance Network and 90.1 KPFT. Tune in to hear uncensored news and underground music! Learn more: