Content (Archive)

The Activation #17: Finding Meaning Among Mass Formation with Mattias Desmet

The Conscious Resistance Network presents: The Activation podcast On this episode of The Activation podcast Derrick Broze interviews Mattias Desmet, author of The Psychology of Totalitarianism. He is also professor of clinical psychology in the Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences at Ghent University and a practicing psychoanalytic psychotherapist. Derrick and Mattias talk about his […]

Live Free, Think Free (7/21/22): Digital Identity Is The End of Liberty

Derrick and Micah are back for another episode of Live Free, Think Free on 90.1 KPFT Houston and The Conscious Resistance Network. LFTF is your home for uncensored news and underground music.   Find out more:

La gran narrativa y el metaverso: Segunda parte: ¿El metaverso acabará con la libertad humana?

Por Derrick Broze, 26 de noviembre, 2021 (Traducido al español por Paul Horner.) Antes de leer este artículo recomendamos leer la Primera parte: una vision distopica del futuro. Mientras el Foro Económico Mundial anuncia la necesidad de una “Gran Narrativa” para unir al pueblo en torno a sus ideales tecnocráticos, el público se está enterando […]

The Activation #16: Reclaiming Anarchism & Spirit with Paul Cudenec

Watch on Odysee / Rokfin / Dlive / YouTube The Conscious Resistance Network presents: The Activation podcast On this episode of The Activation podcast Derrick Broze interviews journalist and author Paul Cudenec about his history of involvement in Anarchist and radical movements, the failure of the left during COVID19, and what he calls Anarcho-Perennialism. Paul […]

Is Digital Identity Paving the Road to Digital Hell?

Derrick Broze breaks down his latest article, NYU School of Law Warns Digital ID “Paving a Digital Road to Hell”. Derrick explains how New York University’s Center for Human Rights and Global Justice has issued a chilling warning about the potential dangers to human rights posed by the push for digital identity.

Live Free, Think Free (7/14/22): The Whistleblowers Rot

Micah and Derrick are back for another episode of uncensored news and underground music. Don;t miss this action packed episode with underground music you need to know! Find out more:
The post Live Free, Think Free (7/14/22): The Whistleblowers Rot appeared first on The Conscious Resistance Network.