
GLOSSED OVER: Key Questions Emerge After Death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

21st Century Wire asks…
What really happened in the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia?
With the United States deep in the throes of the 2016 presidential primaries, the sudden death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has provided a controversial backdrop to an already tense electoral race.
Reports state that the 79-year-old conservative justice was found dead this past Saturday in his hotel room at Cibolo Creek Ranch, a luxury ranch located in Presidio County, Texas.

“A well-regulated Militia” explained by Dr. Edwin Vieira

Dr. Edwin Vieira, author of The Sword and Sovereignty, was on the Power Hour with Joyce Riley on July 28, 2014, and provided an excellent and concise explanation of “a well-regulated Militia,” with reference to the United States and its Constitution. - The Department of Homeland Security is unconstitutional – A “well-regulated Militia” means statutory […]

Tom Woods said he won’t have “money cranks” on his show, but why is he having “constitutional crank” David Stockman on his show, who agreed with Bill Maher that “the Second Amendment is bullsh*t”?

I saw that Tom Woods plans to have former Reagan administration official David Stockman on his January 2, 2014 podcast — the same man who agreed with Bill Maher that “the Second Amendment is bullsh*t”. He said he wouldn’t have “money cranks” on his show, in reference to “Greenbackers”, yet he has no problem promoting […]