conspiracy theory

Chinese Virologist Asserts COVID is a Chinese military project [Video]

Conspiracy theories are generally painful and uncomfortable for many people because they assume fantastically wild allegations about people that are always shadowy and unknowable. However, a story we ran some months back, alleging that Dr Anthony Fauci himself is at the very least “in the know” about COVID-19 and at the most, a supporter of its development does have some similar claims as we hear in this interview.

Election Meddlers Find a Scapegoat

Big Tech, government agencies, and the mainstream media all locked in on a no-name site as a hub of collusion
Peter Van BUREN
Like me, until recently you got most of your news from It was where you looked to form your opinions, including the all-important one about which way to vote. What you missed on PeaceData you caught up with via Facebook memes and Tweets from people you do not know.

Some Conspiracy Theories Are for Real

What is the best way to debunk a conspiracy theory? Call it a conspiracy theory, a label which in and of itself implies disbelief. The only problem with that is there have been many actual conspiracies both historically and currently and many of them are not in the least theoretical in nature. Conspiracies of several kinds brought about American participation in both world wars.

The COVID-19 Conspiracies of German Neo-Nazis

Where there are conspiracy theories, German Neo-Nazis are never far away. Indeed, the Corona pandemic is a welcoming vehicle for German Neo-Nazi to broadcast their ideology and to recruit new members. The belief in conspiratorial forces behind the 2020 Corona crisis isn’t just nonsense; it is a dangerous symptom of democratic societies’ plight to be exploited by its enemies.

Blind to Science, Bleach Doctor Trump Pushes Crazy China Conspiracy

Trump’s foray into Covid-19 disease treatment – proposing household bleach as a possible cure – really shows how idiotic this president is. His subsequent, quick damage-limitation attempt to disown the reckless remarks as “sarcasm” only show how dishonest and mercurial he is.
Seriously, if the tycoon-turned-president can contemplate injecting disinfectant into the human body as a way of “cleaning” a virus, then you know this guy has a primitive grasp of scientific knowledge.

Bill Gates Crosses the Digital Rubicon, Says ‘Mass Gatherings’ May Not Return Without Global Vaccine

A recurring theme among conspiracy theorists is that the elite are just waiting for the right moment to roll out their ‘mark of the beast’ technology to remotely identify and control every single human being on the planet, thus sealing their plans for a one world government. And with many people willing to do just about anything to get back to some sense of normalcy, those fears appear more justified with each passing day.