
Texas Bathroom Bill Is Politics Disguised As Policy

A sticker that reads, “Keep Locker Rooms Safe,” is worn by a person supporting a bill that would eliminate Washington’s new rule allowing transgender people use gender-segregated bathrooms and locker rooms in public buildings consistent with their gender identity, Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2016, outside a Washington Senate hearing room at the Capitol in Olympia, Wash.
(ANALYSIS) — The proposed bathroom bill percolating in the Texas Legislature doesn’t do what its supporters say it is supposed to do.

Shattering stereotypes about conservatives

With traditional pragmatic conservatism politically ascendant throughout much of the western world, many liberals are growing curious as to who we conservatives are? Many liberals suspected we didn’t exist, that we had become extinct. Now that they realise that their views are becoming increasingly fossilised, they have gone from curious inquiry to making wild assumptions. Here are just some of the stereotypes that I’ve encountered along with an explanation of reality.
Conservatives are philistines

Brexit or Remain, the UK referendum is changing the country

On a recent visit to Paris almost everyone I met asked me the same question: “Are you British insane? Are you really going to vote to leave the European Union?”
Based on the most recent polls, despite the deep scepticism of those same surveys after the last General Election, I could only answer: “It looks that way.”
Cue disbelieving looks, gasps and snorts of Gallic derision, often followed by the words: “You can always come and live here.”