
2,230 page “Rebuke” of President Trump shows call for further populist revolution

In 2014, conservative voters in the United States were energized to vote Republican because every candidate for Congress in those midterm elections who was a GOP member, campaigned on one theme.
“If you elect me, I will stop Obama.”
In an amazing outburst of consistency, every single GOP candidate that promised this was elected to office in that midterm. This promise was not part of any “platform” that the Republican Party was offering that year. But it was nevertheless what the American voters wanted.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions Coming for Nation’s Legalized Pot

On the heels of a California law legalizing recreational marijuana use, which took effect Monday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is planning to rescind the federal policy that has enabled Americans to grow, sell, and use cannabis in places where it has been legalized, without federal intervention, the Associated Press reported Thursday.

Corbyn Teaches To Embrace Change We Need

The shocking election result in the United Kingdom – the Conservatives losing their majority and the creation of a hung Parliament; and Jeremy Corbyn being more successful than any recent Labor candidate – cutting a 20 point Theresa May lead down to a near tie – gives hope to many that the global shift to the right, fueled by the failures of governments to meet the basic needs of their population and growing economic insecurity, may be ending.

A June 8th Conspiracy Theory – Is THERESA MAY Planning to Lose the Election…?

I had a thought in recent days – concerning the June 8th election. And then I had a look online and realised other people had been having the same thought: specifically, the possibility that Theresa May and the Tories are deliberately hoping to lose this election. It had been occurring to me for some weeks […]

Britain’s next Prime Minister could likely be Jeremy Corbyn

Brexit which in many ways put British politics on the international map for the first time since the 1960s, was not supposed to happen. The establishment of all the major parties, the business sector, academia, the mainstream media, the arts and science community (which still hold some influence in Britain) were all opposed to it.
Likewise, the polling data was so set against Brexit that on the night of the vote, a sober Nigel Farage all but conceded defeat. Several hours and several drinks later he emerged to give a victory speech.

The Tories’ Election Campaign: Empty Rhetoric Repeated Ad Nauseam

Just in case you missed it, “strong and stable leadership” repeated ad nauseam is the campaign mantra of the Tory party for the incoming General Election. So just before our brains cease to function by the repetition of this empty slogan, let us unpick this mantra: strength in itself is not always good. One could be strong and wrong. Strength could be used by a bully to intimidate, and oppress the weak and vulnerable.

Conservative Governments: “Strong against the Weak, Weak against the Strong”

Britain is a few weeks away from a snap general election called by Prime Minister Theresa May. Presumably this has been suddenly sprung on a generally unsuspecting public because the ruling Tory junta think they will obtain an even larger parliamentary majority than they have now. Unfortunately they may be right.
So last week I received the campaign leaflet for Alexander Maughan, the young man representing the Tories where I live. The opening quote suggests I should vote for Mr Maughan “For a strong Conservative team working for you”.