
Labour candidate survives by-election as Conservative Party crumbles (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss The Brexit Party’s second place success in the Peterborough, UK by-election, where Labour held on to the seat by just 683 votes, as Nigel Farage’s upstart political party is now outpacing the Tories.
The Brexit Party’s strong showing may jolt the next Conservative Party leader into finally delivering a no-deal Brexit in order to avoid Nigel Farage’s party overtaking them in popularity.

From Tarrant to Breivik to ISIS: The Emerging Crisis of Civilisationalism

This week’s attack on two mosques in New Zealand reflects a paradigm shift: the erosion of liberal values and the rise of civilisationalism at the expense of the nation-state.
So do broader phenomena like widespread Islamophobia with the crackdown on Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang as its extreme, and growing ant-Semitism These phenomena are fuelled by increasing intolerance and racism enabled by far right and world leaders as well as ultra-conservatives and jihadists.

Analysis: Schrödinger’s Brexit

With only weeks to go to Brexit’s target date, there is deadlock in the British parliament, recriminations on both sides, and, writes Russell Merryman, a growing realisation that what was promised might be impossible to deliver.
Anti-Brexit sentiment is growing as the deadline for Article 50 approaches [MERRYMAN]
We’ve all heard of the thought experiment involving a cat and a piece of radioactive material locked together in a box, the decaying material could, at any moment, give off an atomic particle which would kill the cat.

Tucker Carlson on divide between America’s ruling class and people (VIDEO)

Tucker Carlson goes a long way towards connecting the disintegration of traditionally-valued American culture (Christian, family oriented, men the dominant wage-earners and providers, etc.) to the state it has become now. The video’s transcript is available here.
This video covers such important points that we will offer timestamps and topics listed:

Porkins Policy Radio episode 165 Patrick Knowlton on Vince Foster and Brett Kavanaugh

This week Patrick Knowlton joined me to talk about his decades long fight to expose the truth behind the murder of Vince Foster. Patrick talked about what happened on the night of of July 20th 1993 when he stopped to use the bathroom in Fort Marcy Park. Patrick discussed what he saw that night. Patrick talked about his treatment by the FBI and what would became the Fiske Report. Patrick explained how his statements were distorted. Later Patrick talked about his interactions with journalist Ambrose Evans Pritchard.

Twitter buckles to elitist madness, BANS Alex Jones and InfoWars

Four weeks ago, Twitter came under fire for not banning Alex Jones from its social network as a wave of bans against the strongly conservative newsman swept across other prominent media outlets like Facebook, Apple and YouTube. But now, it appears that Jack Dorsey has caved into the pressure.
Alex Jones and InfoWars are now banned from Twitter as well. CNBC reports: