
The Second American Civil War, Part II: Strategy of the Blues [Video]

President Trump is definitely a traditional, Christian, law-and-order kind of guy. A progressive he is not, though he is remarkably pragmatic. For all of his (hopefully) first term Donald Trump has been a man under siege from the Left, which has wielded all of its power in ever-greater levels of attack. The Blues have been after him in this new Civil War, doing everything imaginable to separate Trump’s supporters from Trump. Now, those attacks have taken the following forms over the years:

Tucker: We were all lied to about the Coronavirus pandemic [Video]

Tucker Carlson delivered another scathing review of the state of affairs in the United States, with liberal governments actually showing themselves as more and more culpable in the deaths of people precisely because of the coronavirus lockdowns, which were touted as life-saving. His monologue, a ten-minute, absolutely packed commentary, delivered the strongest blow yet to the latest coup attempt in progress. However, he is not saying anything we did not already sense or know. For example:

Some Idaho residents prepare for the Second American Civil War

The “liberal versus conservative” political polarization has been on a massive increase over the last three decades in the United States. Where there used to be dispassionate policy discussions, debate and often some sort of compromise over policy decisions based in ideological theories, now, people of differing political viewpoints appear to be more and more “siloed” with some disturbing results. Among these is the increasing conviction that America is headed for a Second Civil War.

Impeachment vote acquits President Trump, shows American rift

Strictly party-line with an asterisk. President Trump acquitted of the two articles of impeachment 52-28 not guilty of “Abuse of Power” and 53-47 not guilty of “Obstruction of Congress.” The asterisk was Utah Republican Senator Mitt Romney, who delivered a lofty sounding defense of the need to follow his principles, religious and otherwise to try and convict a President of a crime that had little more than political significance.

Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn to Step Down After UK Election Catastrophe

After its worst electoral performance in decades, Jeremy Corbyn announced last night that he would be resigning his position as leader of the Labour. “I will not lead the party in any future general election campaign. I will discuss with our party to ensure there is a process now of reflection on this result and on the policies the party will take going forward,” he said in his resignation speech, on a night that saw Labour lose 59 seats in the British parliament, dropping their number to 203.

Eric Ciamarella’s attorney described coup d’etat a.k.a the Compleat Fake Impeachment Inquiry

Fox News just ran a piece noting that the attorney representing the “Ukraine whistleblower” (alleged to be a CIA agent by the name of Eric Ciamarella) is on record for tweeting in 2017 that the “coup has begun”, two years before its realization unfolded in the Compleat Fake Impeachment Inquiry which has been dominating much of the news cycle for all American media outlets. What we see now is this coup in progress. Fox reports: