
So, Is It Time To Get Behind Cory Booker Now?

Same crap, though one wears blue panties and one wears red panties (big ones)As you may recall, Blue America backed-- vigorously backed-- Rush Holt for the Democratic nomination in the New Jersey Senate primary. Newark mayor Cory Booker won, and won big. On the Republican side of the fence, an extremist sociopath, Steve Lonegan, won the nomination and he's genuinely far worse than Booker on almost everything.

Will Independent-Minded New Jersey Voters Prove Big Money And Corporate Media Wrong Today?

And Cory Booker-- same crooked garbageChristie made sure that the election for the open Senate seat would not fall on the same day as his own election-- costing New Jersey taxpayers millions of dollars-- because he was afraid Cory Booker's celebrity status would turn out lots and lots of Democrats who might not otherwise bother voting... and who could tilt his own race towards Democrat Barbara Buono.

Will The New Dems Get As Decimated Next Year As Their Ideological Brethren The Blue Dogs Were in 2010 And 2012?

Steve Israel has ZERO interest in races like these that pit progressives against powerful senior RepublicansWith the political demise of the Blue Dogs after the 2010 midterms, DCCC Chair-- and "ex"-Blue Dog-- Steve Israel made his top priority not winning back the House in 2012 but restocking the Republican wing of the Democratic Party with corrupt conservatives.

Cheri Bustos Wants Help To Fend Off Teabagger Bobby Schilling-- But Did She Earn It?

Cheri BabyWhen the Democratic-led Illinois state legislature redistricted the congressional districts, Bobby Schilling looked like a marked man. The legislature cut out red area in Quincy, Decatur and Springfield and replaced them with blue areas of Rockford and Peoria. Schilling, who acknowledges Glenn Beck as his "leader," had first won his 17th district seat in 2010 beating Democratic freshman Phil Hare 53-43%.