
Why Didn't The Democrats Move To Break Up The Too Big To Fail Banks? Too Many Conservative Dems Eager to Work With The GOP

I feel like Austin Frerick, the former Treasury Department economist running for Congress in the Des Moines-based Iowa seat (IA-03), has become a friend aside from just one of the Blue America-endorsed candidates. I feel like I learn something every time I talk with him.

Darren Soto Hates Being Called Florida's ConservaDem Poster Child, But He'd Be Another Gwen Graham Or Patrick Murphy In Congress

There are definitely some big changes coming due to the judicial redistricting in Florida, likely among them will be the end of House careers for several conservatives: Carlos Curbelo who finds himself in a neatly blue district and will be facing Annette Taddeo, who can probably beat him; Daniel Webster, who also finds himself in a Democratic district he can't win, certainly not in a presidential year (although he is probably going to move to FL-06 and try i

Instead of Church This Morning...

We first wrote about Damon Silvers, the AFL-CIO's director of policy, on Friday. I had never heard of him before. But I liked what he said about holding Blue Dogs, New Dems and other conservative quasi-Democrats accountable for voting with the Republicans against the interests of seniors and working class Americans. Apparently CNBC noticed him to an invited him on for a dressing down. A conservative class warrior from Britain wound up getting his nose rubbed in his own shit.