
Are Women Without Appendix or Tonsils More Likely to get Pregnant?

Researchers at the University of Dundee at University College London have come to an unlikely conclusion; women who have had their tonsils or appendix removed are more likely to get pregnant. But the results certainly don’t make it fact.
The study contradicts what most doctors learned in medical school: that the removal of the appendix can reduce fertility later on in life. Though as you should expect, Dr. Sami Shimi states that women shouldn’t try to have healthy organs removed in order to simply improve their chances of pregnancy.

Mother Granted Permission to Give Birth to Dead Daughter’s Baby After Legal Battle

A woman in the United Kingdom has just been granted permission to give birth to her dead daughter’s baby, using her frozen eggs. Permission was granted after a 5-year legal struggle, and was finally allowed citing “exceptional circumstances.” The woman’s daughter died of bowel cancer at age 29, 6 years ago.
The legal struggle came because the mother claims her daughter had given her verbal permission to use her eggs, but the daughter’s wishes were never written out physically, making it a tough call for the court system.

Woman Sues: Gives Birth after Doctor Said She Couldn’t Get Pregnant

Michigan woman Lori Cichewicz is suing her doctor for “wrongful conception,” claiming compensation for the stress caused by an unplanned pregnancy.
Cichewicz expected to undergo a procedure to permanently shut off her ability to get pregnant in 2008 after her doctor told her that if she ever were to get pregnant, she would have a child with Down syndrome.