Compleat Fake Impeachment Inquiry

SOTU and impeachment wins put Trump on the offensive [Video]

Dr Steven Turley posted an amazingly thorough summary of the effects felt in the Democrat Party by President Trump’s acquittal from the impeachment charges and the surprising temper tantrum by a hapless and enraged Nancy Pelosi, who (after preparation) tore up the pages of the President’s State of the Union address the night before his acquittal. These events are both the culmination of the Democrat Party’s latest attempt at doing something to derail or even remove the President, and they outline the extent of Democrat hysteria and insanity.

Impeachment vote acquits President Trump, shows American rift

Strictly party-line with an asterisk. President Trump acquitted of the two articles of impeachment 52-28 not guilty of “Abuse of Power” and 53-47 not guilty of “Obstruction of Congress.” The asterisk was Utah Republican Senator Mitt Romney, who delivered a lofty sounding defense of the need to follow his principles, religious and otherwise to try and convict a President of a crime that had little more than political significance.

The Compleat Fake Impeachment Inquiry is really a foreign policy fight

The powers ascribed to the President of the United States of America give him broad authority to define and carry out foreign policy matters. However, for decades this “power” has been guided from a retinue of advisers who past presidents have blindly trusted, perhaps even against their own inclinations. Sometimes, they appear to have been themselves aligned with the FP positions themselves.