
Western Civilization VS Sh%$tholes – Race & How to Save the West – Jay Dyer

The mainstream hypocrites are in an uproar because Trump referred to some countries as sh&%holes, while simultaneously they call “fly over country” and the south even worse. In this video I castigate the Alt Media and Alt Right for not offering anything beyond biological determinism, which has built NO civilization. Civlizations are built on theology, philosophy, race and/or ethnos, as well as other aspects of culture, like language.

‘We need to cultivate feminine leadership’

Invited to speak at a conference in Algiers on women’s empowerment, social entrepreneur Greta Rossi reflects on the issue of gender inequality and invites women and girls around the world to find their way towards emancipation by embracing and cultivating their feminine qualitiesThe post ‘We need to cultivate feminine leadership’ appeared first on Positive News.

Tom Woods responded to my comment on an Austrian deconstruction of a mainstream economics textbook

From Tom Woods’ October 7, 2014 podcast, Austrian economist takes on bestselling college text, chapter by chapter, I noted that there was no challenge mentioned of mainstream economics textbooks advocating governments borrowing from private banks to pay for their legitimate government services rather instead of issuing the money directly, interest-free.

My “Editor’s Pick” comment on the Toronto Star article on U.S. open-carry rallies

From the June 3, 2014 Toronto Star article, NRA criticizes ‘open carry’ gun rallies as ‘downright weird’, my comment was chosen as an “Editor’s Pick”: FauxCapitalist American gun culture is not supposed to make sense to anyone else, and that’s because our country was never born in violent revolution, we have nothing like their Second […]