
California Politicians Considering Jail Time for Waiters Who Give Out Plastic Straws

The California legislature is considering passing a law that would punish waiters (or their employers) with a $1,000 fine and up to a six-month prison sentence if they give a customer a plastic straw without a request for one. [These collectivists have got to be removed from office before they imprison everybody. Come to think of it, that's really what they want, isn't it.] [...]

G. Edward Griffin explains why liberty depends on the victory of individualism over collectivism – and what role the Red Pill Expo plays in that battle.

G. Edward Griffin is interviewed by Vin Armani on the topics of collectivism vs. individualism and The Red Pill Expo. Griffin describes the Expo as a launching platform for an international liberty movement, the likes of which have never been seen in history. [...]

James Bowery & Kevin MacDonald - The Moral Individual vs Acting As One

This show is guest hosted by James Bowery. James is an American IT pioneer who descends from Scotch-Irish ancestry, with the patriline geographically concentrated in Groningen, Netherlands. He is the architect of Sorotocracy.orgDr. Kevin MacDonald has a Ph.D. in Biobehavioral Sciences and is an expert on Jewish influence and identity. He is also the editor and chief contributor of The Occidental Observer, an online publication that focuses on White identity, White interests, and the culture of the West.Kevin MacDonald and James Bowery discuss the dilemma of individualism in white identity.

Ireland's Water Consumption Just Became a Tragedy of the Commons

On the 13th of April, the Dáil (the Irish parliament) decided to get rid of the 2014-introduced domestic charging schemes for water consumption. The legislation had forced many Irish citizens to pay individual water charges, as opposed to water being a universal good provided solely through the government, free of charge. As the first bills arrived in January 2015, thousands of people took to the streets to protest what was perceived as austerity measures.

Trump, Post-Modernism, Paradigms & Debating Worldviews

Jay Dyer returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his piece “Why I’m Finally Converted to Pro-Trump.” We talk about how Donald Trump’s election may represent a genuine challenge to globalism and to the entire Enlightenment mythos. Later we discuss Jay’s lecture on Seraphim Rose’s prophetic work Orthodoxy & the Religion of the Future – a book published in 1970s that was critical of the New Age, Eastern mysticism, Illuminism, globalism and called out alien/UFO phenomenon as a psy-op.