Excavating America’s Forgotten History of Political Repression

A review of Brad Schreiber’s Revolution’s End By Kara Dellacioppa | Dissident Voice | October 28, 2016 America is a Haunted House. – Peter Levenda, author of Sinister Forces There is probably no other historical era more misunderstood by Americans than the 1960s and 1970s. From the political assassinations of major political figures and political […]

NICE MASSACRE: Another ‘Known Wolf’ Spawned From Gladio’s Cointelpro Litter

Shawn Helton
21st Century Wire
The man suspected of carrying out a shooting and vehicular assault in Nice, France – was already known to authorities despite contradictory claims.
French officials are reporting that 84 people were killed in Nice, France, following reports of a truck being deliberately driven into a celebratory crowd after Bastille Day festivities this past week.