Pedophile Hastert Case- Clinton Scandals, FBI & the COINTELPRO II Directive

Welcome to Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds. A new accuser has come forward alleging sexual assault in a lawsuit filed against Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert. The accuser claims that Hastert sodomized him in the 70s when he was 9 years old. This lawsuit comes several years after a hush money case revealed allegations of sexual abuse against Hastert from his days working as a high school wrestling coach in Illinois.

FBI Rigged Investigation of Black Panthers, Newly Released Docs Reveal

Sputnik – 03.03.2017 Newly-released FBI files reveal that authorities tampered with an investigation into a police officer’s death in the 1970s, resulting in a Black Panther leader dying in prison for a crime he did not commit. In 1970, Mondo Even we Langa (formerly David Rice) was one of 17 people arrested in connection with […]

MOCKINGBIRD MIRROR: Declassified Docs Depict Deeper Link Between the CIA and American Media

21st Century Wire says…
Over the past month, more than 12 million declassified documents from the CIA have been reportedly published online. While the intelligence docu-dump supposedly sheds additional light on covert war programs, psychic research and the Cold War era, it also contains more evidence confirming the symbiotic relationship between the CIA and American media. 
In late January the UK’s Guardian reported that the CIA themselves released millions of documents online:

COINTEL PRO: Are ‘Anti-Fascist’ Media Personalities Playing to the Cameras?

21st Century Wire says…
In this age of hyper-politicized mass media, it’s becoming harder to differentiate between those who are acting for the cameras, and genuine political protesters. Considering the FBI’s own documented history of infiltrating left-wing activists groups in America, is it possible we are witness to some staged performances again?