The Evolution of Greed

You’re not going to believe this, but there was a time – actually about 65 years ago – when the financial world, at least the securities-trading world, the world we call Wall Street, was actually dependent on a foundational principle of honesty and integrity. Now I’ll just pause for a moment and allow the laughter, whistling and foot-stomping to subside before continuing. There. Everybody finished now?

Instead of Church This Morning...

We first wrote about Damon Silvers, the AFL-CIO's director of policy, on Friday. I had never heard of him before. But I liked what he said about holding Blue Dogs, New Dems and other conservative quasi-Democrats accountable for voting with the Republicans against the interests of seniors and working class Americans. Apparently CNBC noticed him to an invited him on for a dressing down. A conservative class warrior from Britain wound up getting his nose rubbed in his own shit.