
LIONEL PODCAST: The Genius of America Is Our Ability to Avoid Reality

The American public is distracted, detached and distanced from anything that we vaguely recognize as relevant. And who can blame us? It’s so much easier to talk of the pol who cuts a pizza slice with a knife and fork versus the patented pleated fold. Or seeing Madame Hillary fumble with a NY subway Metrocard to travel two stops in her sudden connection with the masses. We’re a country who knows nothing, feels nothing and appreciates nothing. That involves intellectual heavy lifting. And concern. Alas.

LIONEL PODCAST: Of Course Americans Know Nothing When They Obviously Don’t Read, Comprehend or Care About Anything

Americans are too busy. Too busy taking pictures of their food and selfies and being self-absorbed and self-focused, bathing in a warm narcissistic glow. And when it comes to getting deep into certain issues, especially those that might be construed as being conspiratorial in nature (translation: true), you might as well change that channel, Sparky. We’re busy. But how we love to bask in the delusion that we’re news junkies, possessed of an elementary understanding of the working parts of multitiered issues analysis. Pshaw! Have a nice day.

LIONEL PODCAST: The Destruction of Critical Thinking in the Name of Gawd

It’s the quiddity of human nature. To think and to dissect and to parse that which is apparent and real and not which is gift-wrapped and force-fed via mythology and folklore. While the world burns, while terrorism infects humanity, while hate and dissension and distance rule the day you can always post some syrupy and saccharine pic about peace and sunsets and bunnies and feel like you’ve done something. Forget historicity, e.g.

LIONEL PODCAST: On Bad Plastic Surgery, Psychotics on Buses, Pathetic Media Coverage on Everything, Incredible Brazilian Music and Myriad Miscellany

Stream of unconsciousness. No précis or proem or prolegomenon or introduction or summary or adumbration or skeleton or outline or pithy phrase or reference can or could possibly describe what this podcast is all about. But Charles Manson comes to mind. “Look down at me and you see a fool, Look up at me and you see a god, Look straight at me and you see yourself.” See?

LIONEL PODCAST: Lionel In “House of Cards,” Mentulate References on the Campaign Trail and the Demise of Relevant Politics

Lionel is in Season Four of “House of Cards.” It’s classy, brilliantly written and possesses one of the most diabolically elegant plot lines ever to grace any screen anywhere. And then it occurred to me – If it actually contained a character portraying the GOP candidate for POTUS who held up his hands and assured the world that his phallus was indeed gargantuan, no one would believe it. It would be too low brow and coarse for fiction! Think about it; this is what we’ve become.