
The Amazing Arrogance of the Paris Climate Agreement

The “globalists” of the type that tried to make Paris agreement work have a stunning lack of self-awareness. They pretend to be oblivious to the populist resentment they breed. They act as if there is not a single legitimate doubt about the problem, their analysis of cause and effect, the discernment of their selected experts, or their proposed coercive solution.

The G-7's Outrageous Hypocrisy

These nations expect the United States to weaken its economy based on an unproven, but rather expensive theory about the effects of climate change. But when it comes to living up to a longstanding agreement among NATO members to share the costs of a mutual defense shield, they'll let the US foot the bill.

All-Electric Air Travel Is Not an Impossible Dream

A brief 2015 video report from the WSJ about the Airbus all-electric airplane, the E-Fan. Airbus is not the only company doing this. Go here for an interesting video about Pipistrel's electric Gaius PubliusA brief follow-up to our recent piece on the coming death of Big Oil as a business (see "The Dying Fossil Fuel Industry").

The State of the Climate in 2017: "Truly Uncharted Territory"

Global average temperature during the Holocene. Blue curve: Global temperature reconstruction from proxy data of Marcott et al, Science 2013. Recent instrumental measurements shown in red. Note that the instrument reading (red line) is four years out of date and therefore ends at a lower point than if it reflected today's reading. Graph: Klaus Bitterman.

Massive Permafrost Thaw Documented in Canada, Huge Carbon Release May Be Coming

"So far, so good," though I think they forgot that the ball is going to get Gaius PubliusScheduling note: My comments appear regularly here on Monday and Thursday.Quick and dirty (very dirty).I've written many times that things are happening on the climate front much more quickly than anyone anticipates.