climate models

Climate modelers open up their black boxes to scrutiny

by Judith Curry
Paul Voosen has written a remarkable article in Science about climate model tuning.

In November 2009 following ClimateGate, I made a public plea for greater transparency in an essay published at ClimateAudit:  On the credibility of climate research.
When I started blogging at Climate Etc. in 2010, a major theme was a call for formal Verification and Validation of climate models:

Climate policy: Fake it ’til you make it

by Judith Curry
The economic models that are used to inform climate policy currently contain an unhealthy dose of wishful thinking. Technologies that remove carbon dioxide from the air are assumed in the models that avoid dangerous climate change – but such technologies do not yet exist and it is unclear whether they could be deployed at a meaningful scale. – Tim Kruger