climate denialism

Calling Climate Sceptics ‘Climate Deniers’ is an Admission You’ve Lost the Argument

Anyone challenging climate change policy is automatically branded a 'denier', comparing them to a Holocaust denier. But if you have to resort to smears to win an argument you've already lost, says economist Robert Lyman.
The post Calling Climate Sceptics ‘Climate Deniers’ is an Admission You’ve Lost the Argument appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

US Climate Assessment Exposes ‘Simply Terrifying’ Recklessness Of Trump

With the release of its National Climate Assessment on Friday, the U.S. government has released a report—which states the current period is “now the warmest in the history of modern civilization”—that critics say directly and irrefutably undermines the climate denialism and inaction of President Donald Trump and his administration.