Climate alarmism

Green Billionaires Press Hollywood to Promote Armageddon Climate Messages in Movies

Green billionaires are pouring money into campaigns to persuade Hollywood writers to catastrophise the climate, with the aim that half of TV and film output will acknowledge climate change within three years.
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After All the Media Hype, Wildfires Across Southern Europe Were Completely Normal in 2023

Despite all the media hype around wildfires in Rhodes last summer, the data that are now out reveal that wildfires across southern Europe were completely normal in 2023.
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Met Office Fails to Retract False Claim of “More Intense” Storms Due to Climate Change

The Met Office is refusing to retract a claim made by a senior meteorologist on BBC radio that storms are becoming "more intense" due to climate change, despite admitting that it has no evidence to back up the claim.
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