Cleveland Ohio

Government to Black Children: It’s Okay for the Police to Murder You

The boy lived in New York City,
They chased the boy right through the park
In a case of mistaken identity
They put a bullet through his heart
Heartbreakers, with your forty four,
I wanna tear your world apart,
Heartbreakers, with your forty four,
I’m gonna tear that world apart”
– Mick Jagger, “Heartbreaker“, released August 1973

#M4BL Convening 2015: Just What We Needed

From July 24-26 over 1500 registered Black activists and organizers from all over the U.S., Canada and even the Caribbean converged in Cleveland, Ohio for the 2015 Movement for Black Lives Convening. In addition to police terror and state violence, pertinent issues such as mass incarceration, economic empowerment, education, culture, housing and Black health were all working parts to an overwhelmingly incredible weekend.