
Cornelius McGillicuddy IV Eyes His Old Ft. Myers House Seat; Stumbles Over Puerto Rico

Best dressed Connie and MaryThis is a post about what's been happening politically in FL-19, one of the 3 or 4 Florida congressional districts being most savagely impacted by global warming. The hurricane-ravaged district, where salt water is seeping into the groundwater as the Gulf rises, starts down south around Turtle Island, works its way up through Naples, past Bonita Bay to Fort Myers and Cape Coral.

House Votes To Officially Deny Climate Change-- Really

This morning we started the day with a look at the irreversible catastrophe Global Warming has in store for Florida-- and how Florida congressmembers from districts that will wind up entirely under the sea-- like Dennis Ross, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Mario Diaz-Balart, Patrick Murphy, Bill Posey and Vern Buchanan-- have consistently voted against policies that would save their own constituents and for an agenda that will utterly destroy the very districts they represent.