
Authoritarian Monsters Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms

You see them on the street. You watch them on TV. You might even vote for one this fall. You think they’re people just like you. You’re wrong. Dead wrong. — They Live We are living in an age of mayhem, madness and monsters. Monsters with human faces walk among us. Many of them work […]
The post Authoritarian Monsters Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The Fragility of Order

Most of us fall into our daily routines fairly easily with little thought. We rise in the morning drink our coffee eat a little breakfast and head off to work. Pulling out of our particular driveways we navigate well-lit and organized streets that efficiently (for the most part) take us to our destination and return […]
The post The Fragility of Order first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Masters of Illusion: Sociopathy from the Very Rich on Down

Nothing Changes With the Rich! You just can’t make this stuff up as a fiction writer (also, see below, at the end of this piece**). Demonic, but sturdy. Boring actuarial folk, or in this guy’s case, making loot illegally in the legal channel that is Illegal Wall Street: Thomas Peterffy became one of the world’s […]
The post Masters of Illusion: Sociopathy from the Very Rich on Down first appeared on Dissident Voice.

“Nobody is Above the Law” – Except the “Big Boys”

Law schools should have courses on the expanding immunities of government and corporate officials from criminal prosecution and punishment. Guest lecturers, speaking from their experience, could be Donald J. Trump, George W. Bush (criminal destruction of Iraq), Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, the Sackler Family of opioid infamy, and the top officials […]

Switzerland, 730 Years of an Independent Sovereign Nation: Really?

The legend has it that Switzerland was celebrating her 730th Anniversary on 1 August 2021.  That’s the legend about the creation of an independent, neutral and sovereign nation. It’s a legend that has taken hold in every Swiss citizen’s heart and mind. It’s a legend that has made Switzerland around the world what it still […]

All the World’s a Stage . . . Except in our Own Backyards!

The fourth of John Talbott’s criteria is the need for cultural sustainability: Satisfying our need as human beings to be creative and expressive; to learn, grow, teach and be; to have a diverse, interesting, stimulating and exciting social environment and range of experiences available. ― Christine Connelly, Sustainable Communities: Lessons from Aspiring Eco-Villages And, we can […]

China Eradicates Absolute Poverty While Billionaires Go for a Joyride to Space

Women who migrated to the Wangjia community participate in local activities at the community centre in Tongren City, Guizhou Province, April 2021. Confounding news comes from the flagship World Economic Outlook report of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The report highlights many of the pressing issues facing our planet: disruptions in the global supply chain, […]

When Questioning Popular Opinion is Prohibited

Once upon a time a new class of people emerged. They were scholars and elitists, ‘special people,’ well ensconced in academia, politics, economics and military intelligence. They righteously demanded eradication of current norms and established ways of being. They insisted that prevailing antiquated inferior practices be replaced with new better ways of living. This required […]