Classic movies

ORSON WELLES & ‘CITIZEN KANE’: Seeking a Multi-Level Understanding of a Masterpiece…

In a mansion in the fictional Xanadu, a vast palatial estate in Florida, the elderly Charles Foster Kane is on his deathbed. Holding a snow globe, he utters the mysterious word “Rosebud” and then dies; the snow globe slips from his hand and smashes on the floor. And that’s how one of cinema’s most iconic […]

BEN HUR: From Cinema Masterpiece to Cheesy Remake…

Why on earth has Ben Hur been re-made? If we’re talking about completely unnecessary remakes, you could barely get any more unnecessary than trying to remake a movie that is already an absolute classic. Trying to appeal to a new generation? Why remake the movie? Why not just re-release the original? Directed by Timur Bekmambetov […]