
Anti – ICE rhetoric turns violent as US Independence day arrives

The relative civility surrounding the activism concerning the fate of illegal immigrant families has been destroyed. According to several published news reports, the protests have turned violent.
The Daily Caller reported on 3 July that vandals threw a brick through the window of the Nebraska Republican Party Headquarters in Lincoln on the night of July 2:

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThere's been so much chatter about Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her visit to the highly rated Red Hen in Lexington, VA. the last few days. Reservations even ticked up and the place is now booked for 4 solid weeks thanks to supporter reaction to the grossly immature tweets of Sanders and her boss but, now, according to Friday morning reports, the restaurant will close until July 5th so things can cool down.

The Incivility Of The Trumpist Regime

Monday night, Maxine Waters was Chris Hayes' guest on All In to explain how Señor Trumpanzee had misinterpreted-- purposefully-- her call for Americans to confront Trumpist Cabinet members into a call for violence against GOP Voters. What she had said had zero to do with violence and zero to do with GOP voters... it was simply about legitimate, constitutionally-protected protest about usually cloistered and unavailable government officials... very healthy.

Resolving the Problems of the Hajj

The number of pilgrims visiting Mecca for the Hajj has increased exponentially—from 57,000 in 1921 to more than two million this year. As more Muslims want to come each year, the demand to accommodate them will continue to increase. But the death toll in this year’s Hajj continues to climb (1,112 and still counting) as a result of the incident where two waves of pilgrims in Mina converging on a narrow road (which had been partly closed to allow a VIP Saudi prince to jump the cue), causing people to suffocate or be trampled to death.