Citizenship Amendment Act

In Spite Of Severe Repression People Are United In Protests

Co-Written by Sandeep Pandey and Anandi Pandey At New Delhi’s Jamia Millia University if one visits the library it may appear as if a pitched battle was fought here. Almost all glasses have been broken by tear gas shells or stun grenades and furniture has been vandalised. And this was in response to some peaceful protests outside the library. Although[Read More...]

Between Allah, Hindutva and Atheist in Kerala

Remember Faiz Ahmed Faiz writing about Allah? He was a communist. But many communists in Kerala believe that when the Muslims in this country are hit from head to toe for their culture, identity and faith, they should not even utter the word Allah' in their protests on streets. In the ballroom dance of electoral politics, these communists forgot to[Read More...]

Become a rock in the foundation

The first thing to understand is that this CAA+NRC is the best thing that could have happened to India at this stage. We had become a rapidly polarized, fascist, extremist society with the voices of the ‘silent’ majority conspicuous by their silence while the strident and raucous screech of hate speech was echoing off the walls of our collective conscience.[Read More...]

The CAA question will test the ‘Reasonable Classification Test’

With the enactment of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 (‘CAA’) and the initiation of processes for creation of a National Register of Indian Citizens ( ‘NRIC’), a citizenship vesting apparatus based on religion, has now been operationalized. In a pre-NRIC exercise, the ‘residents’ of India will be identified by updating the National Population Register (‘NPR’), which will then be worked[Read More...]

State Sponsored Statelessness in India in the Age of ‘Sophia’

Introduction “I want to live and work with humans, so I need to express the emotions to understand humans and build trust with people,” said ‘Sophia’[i], the World’s First Robot citizen, in an exchange with moderator Andrew Ross Sorkin nearly two years ago. When countries started thinking of granting citizenship to robots and robot citizen(s) can speak of building trust[Read More...]

The Guru that never was

  The ongoing and widespread protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and National Register of Citizens (NRC) in India, has rightly inspired the hopes of decent and freedom loving peoples in India. In this context, the ruling Modi regime’s spin machine has sprung into action, to try and “contain” the fallout and seek control of the narrative around the[Read More...]

Every Police Bullet Is aimed At The Constitution – Chandrashekhar Azad Writes From Jail

Dear Indians Jai Bhim, Jai Constitution from Tihar Jail. The way a government responds to our struggle is the best indicator of how strong, constitutional, and in Bahujans’ interest it is. When the Narendra Modi government wanted to make the SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act irrelevant under the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)’s pressure, it was forced to backtrack because of[Read More...]

Islamophobia of Indian Nazis

Since 1947, never had post-independent India experienced such a public anti-government outrage and dissent voices. Peaceful protests and brutal state crackdown is happening across India after Parliament passed Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). The law has been contemplated even by United Nations and International Media as blatantly Islamophobic in nature. The National Register of Citizens (NRC) along with CAA raises a[Read More...]

Divide And Rule: The Indian Story of 2019

The Citizenship amendment act of 2019 is another vicious attempt to change the demographics of India. The Act, along with upcoming National Register of citizens will successfully polarize the electorate and It is aimed to further consolidate the “Us” versus “Them” narrative. The 2014 General Election was contested on the pro-development, Anti-Congress plank. Narendra Modi (then CM of Gujarat) was[Read More...]