Citizenship Amendment Act

Why BJP’s Subjugation of Gandhi’s Legacy Hit a Roadblock at Shaheen Bagh

‘Death ends all enmity’ (Marnanti Vairani) goes a maxim in Hinduism. The story also goes that when Ravana was on death bed, Ram had even asked Laxman to go to him and learn something which no other person except a great scholar like him could teach him, declaring that though he has been forced to punish him for his terrible crime, ‘you are[Read More...]

Under CAA, India rejects its own to welcome a few outsiders

A large number of Indians – most of them Dalits, Adivasis and the poor – will lose their citizenship under CAA only for a few thousand refugees from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan to be accommodated, writes Vivek Sakpal Many of the long-serving and soon-to-retire government employees have their birthdays in June. Most of these, in Maharashtra, have a common date of[Read More...]

CAA-NPR-NRC’s Impact on Urban Poor

Statement by National Coalition for Inclusive and Sustainable Urbanisation (NCU) The National Coalition for Inclusive and Sustainable Urbanisation (NCU) unequivocally condemns the unconstitutional and anti-constitutional CAA-NPR-NRC being unilaterally imposed by the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government. The NCU is a network of activists, researchers, urban practitioners, lawyers, informal sector workers, collectives and individuals who, for the past two years have[Read More...]

State assembly resolutions against Constitutional (Amendment) Act 2019:  Debating legalities for or against?

The outbreak of dissent voices against the newly enacted Constitutional Amendment Act (CAA) 2019 which grants citizenship to non-Muslim refugees from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan, appeared as several forms of condemnation for the last two months in India insisting for repeal of the act. For the first time, the post independent India happened to be an eyewitness for the religious[Read More...]

Seattle City Council Passes Resolution Against CAA, NRC

The Seattle City Council, one of the most powerful city councils in the U.S., on Monday unanimously passed a resolution condemning India’s recently-enacted Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the National Register of Citizens (NRC). Reaffirming Seattle as a welcoming city and expressing solidarity with the city’s South Asian community regardless of religion and caste, the resolution “resolves that the Seattle[Read More...]

Understand the Chronology

Opinions are divided over the constitutionality and morality of Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA). The extent of this dyad is difficult to comprehend, however, the ambit of anti-CAA stir steadily swelled across India. Soon after President Kovind gave his nod, protests against the contentious law gripped different cities and smaller towns. A sit-in protest was organized in Shaheen Bagh – a[Read More...]

Unprecedented March against Anti-People CAA, NPR & NRC at Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Bhubaneswar, 30.01.20:The State Capital of Odisha witnessed today an unprecedented March against CAA, NPR and NRC in response to a unitedcall given by progressive political organizations, social groups, academics, media persons, artists and students in the State under the banner of ‘We The People Of India’. A peaceful gathering of about 30 thousand people solemnly reaffirmed their faith in the[Read More...]

The Anti-CAA/NRC/NPR Movement: Hope and Prospects

1. The government’s decisions on the Kashmir-problem, the temple-mosque dispute, the Assam-problem (National Register of Citizens) and the Citizenship Amendment Act highlight four things: (1) That the decisions are motivated with an intention of communal polarization. (2) That the role of democratic institutions and processes has been merely perfunctory in these decisions. (3) These decisions are not characteristic of a[Read More...]

Citizenship, Hindutva Hypocrisy and the CAA-NRC

While celebrating the Republic Day, a public lecture on the topic of ‘Citizenship’ (which now has become a contentious issue after the passing of the CAA, and which has also triggered massive protests at the nation-wide,) was organized by a group of students and activists, teachers (mainly associated with JNU, DU and Jamia) under the aegis of Shaheen Ki Taleem[Read More...]