Citizens vs. Government

Tucson Court to Hear Extradition of Woman Accused of Feeding her Mother

Contributed by Janet Phelan
Janet Phelan
On Tuesday, Pima County Superior Court in Arizona will hear a case involving a fugitive from justice and the request for extradition to Miami-Dade County, in Florida. The fugitive, a former New York attorney, is a 64-year-old woman named Barbara Stone.
Stone was originally arrested for feeding her mother.
Barbara Stane and her mom, Barbara surprised her mom, with a party

Greene County Sheriffs Make ID Theft Easy

Contributed By: Derrick Marshall
Originally Published as
Investigator Files Complaint Against Greene County Sheriff’s Department (Raw Footage)

Raw footage of my attorney Stephen Wyse and myself delivering a complaint to the Greene County Sheriff’s Department in Springfield, MO. The complaint was to notify the department they were violating the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act by broadcasting social security numbers over a public dispatch channel.

Miami Beach Commissioner: “We Need to Give the Cops Back their Bullets, Remove their Body Cams”

A Miami Beach commissioner with her eye on a U.S. Congressional seat wants to remove police body cameras from officers because she believes it restricts them from doing their job.
Kristen Rosen Gonzalez also believes Miami Beach police – whom she refers to as “troops” – were stripped of their bullets when they were issued body cameras a couple of years ago.
So the democrat is obviously not the most informed politician out there.

Florida Man Fights Extensive Public Records Request Abuse

The City of Homestead has a torrid reputation and a pattern of willfully refusing to comply with the public records law. Homestead is a little town at the southern end of Miami-Dade County, rarely receiving the scrutiny it deserves as a cesspool of public corruption and maleficence.
I have used the records request process, as a pre-discovery method for investigating my civil rights claims. Homestead has failed to comply with the public records law on the majority of the nearly one hundred requests I have filed.

WATCH: FBI Agents Seize Cameras from PINAC Reporter Citing “Safety” Issues

FBI agents in Texas ripped two cameras out of the hands of a PINAC reporter who was standing in front of a federal building legally recording from a public sidewalk Thursday, claiming they were in fear for their safety.
“I don’t want to be struck in the face,” said Keith A. Byers, an Assistant Special Agent in Charge for the El Paso FBI office at 660 South Mesa Hills Drive.
However, David Worden made no indication he would strike the agents in the face with his cameras.

Michigan Cops Arrest Six for Wearing Caps, Cursing and Recording at Flint Water Town Hall Meeting

Michigan cops arrested six people at a town hall meeting centered around the water system in Flint, where cost-cutting measures led to drinking water tainted with lead and other dangerous toxins, according to MLive.
Flint police say they were charged for disorderly conduct because they refused to remove their hats during the town hall meeting.