chuck ochelli

The Ochelli Effect – Jefferson’s History Current Mysteries

From In the first hour of our Tuesday show Authors, Mike Swanson and Carmine Savastano discussed Thomas Jefferson. When did the narrative of judgment shift on this founding father? Has the revision of American history gone amok? Are Jefferson’s ideas about racial identity anything special when compared to his contemporaries? Is the icon or […]

The Ochelli Effect – Founding Fathers Convention Fools

From After some Technical issues, Carmine and Mike joined Chuck to try and take an honest look at the founding father’s concept and the strange adoption of the iconic figures that lack substance. Isn’t it strange that monuments today and the concept of the standing military are nor what it appears any of the […]

The Ochelli Effect – Mad Mad Mad World News

From No Mike Swanson this week. So keeping with the Tuesday tradition on the show of being highly informative, Chuck and Pearse packed as much news and information into two hours as they could From Bill Barr on Capital Hill to Explosions in Iran, Porkins and Ochelli covered the wild world on sportsman-like conduct […]

The Ochelli Effect – High Finance Low Maxwell Smart

From Mike and Chuck discussed the upcoming financial woes due to crash like a violent wave of punishment upon the shores of what was once America. How’s the virus treating you? Are you ready for another lockdown? Does anyone have the ability to predict what will come next? Pearse Redmond was the guest in […]