
Gunmen Kill At Least 26 Coptic Christians in Egypt

(MEE) Gunmen attacked a group of Coptic Christians as they were driving to a monastery south of Cairo on Friday, killing 26 and wounding a further 26, medical sources and witnesses said.
The group was traveling in two buses and a truck through the province, which is home to a sizeable Christian minority, he said.
An interior ministry spokesman said the attack was carried out by unidentified gunmen in three four-wheel-drive vehicles.

Kentucky’s New ‘Religious Freedom’ Law Greenlights Hate Speech

Vice President Mike Pence, right, and Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin address a group of business owners to gather support for the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Ac, March. 11, 2017, in Louisville, Ky. (AP/Timothy D. Easley)
Essentially codifying hate speech, Kentucky Governor Mike Bevin signed into law on Monday a bill that gives individuals, including students, license to make hateful statements about someone based on their “religious or political viewpoints.”

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: Portrait of a Backstabbing Pasha

Erdoğan began his ascent to power as a social reformer in opposition to the power elite; he was a rabble-rouser for popular Islam and social welfare. Once he takes political power he enriches his family and the business elite and purges adversaries and rivals.
With political power and economic connections, he amasses personal wealth through illicit business transactions.