Christian persecution in India

Church Destroyed At The Dead Of Night In Telangana

‘The Grace Prayer House’ was demolished at the dead of night by religious fanatics on the 2nd of September 2020, in Khammam, a district in the southern Indian state of Telangana. The attack is the aftermath of a Police complaint made against the fanatics who have been harassing the Church since 2019. “At around 2:00am, my wife woke up with[Read More...]

Gate Installed To Keep Christians Out Of Prayer House In Telengana

A gate was deliberately installed to prevent Christians from visiting a prayer house at a residential and commercial colony in the Indian state of Telangana. Persecution Relief was alerted about the incident on the 31st of August 2020, by *Andrew, a Christian resident of the colony. “Over the past year, the colony members have been purposely creating one issue after[Read More...]

Pastor Whipped And Beaten By The Police In Uttar Pradesh

“You Christian’s will never change” said *Inspector Kumar, as he lashed his belt on *Pastor Rupesh’s back. “I am fed up of trying to stop you Christians” he exclaimed. For the next couple of hours, Pr. Rupesh and a fellow believer endured the fury of the Inspector as he mercilessly beat them with a (lathi) wooden rod and his belt.[Read More...]

‘Chant In Our Temples Not In Your Homes’, Uttar Pradesh

“What’s all this nonsense going on here?” Two angry religious fanatics yelled at a Pastor’s family, after they forcefully entered their home at around 4pm in the evening and began creating a commotion. The family was shocked and taken aback by the unexpected visit as there was no prayer meeting going on then. “They immediately started accusing us of religious[Read More...]

A Church Demolished In Uttar Pradesh

A Church at a village in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh was completely demolished by religious fanatics at midnight on the 25th of August 2020. The tin roof and fortifications made of bamboo cane were broken down and ruined during the incident. *Pr. Purohit who leads the Church in this village told Persecution Relief that he received the startling[Read More...]

The Truth Behind The Lies

Fabricated Charges leading to the imprisonment of innocent Christians has become increasingly common and is on a steep upsurge. Since 2018, Persecution Relief recorded 194 cases of false charges and arrests made against Christians of which 57 cases were documented in the first half of 2020 alone. Arrests based on ‘forced conversion’ is the most widely used allegation by religious[Read More...]

GEMS Missionaries Severely Beaten in Jharkhand for Praying for the Sick

Sanjeet and  Siddharth of PEACE 1 Zone were brutally beaten by Bajrang Dal members near Chatra, when they were invited by a believer to pray for his unwell relative. Mr. Lakhan is a believer of GEMS Church at Garhwa and he took Bro. Sanjeet and Bro. Siddharth on 22nd August 2020, to a village Kharik (which is 7 kms away[Read More...]

Hate Speech On Facebook Leads To Attack On 72 Year Old Christian In Karnataka

An unwarranted attack on a 72-year-old Christian man influenced by a hate speech made on Facebook was reported to Persecution Relief by a source who wishes to stay anonymous. The following is the information we received. *Anand is a faithful leader at our church and conducts weekly cell group meetings at different homes. He is 72 years old and also[Read More...]

Construction of Church stalled by fanatics in Odisha

Villagers influenced by fanatics have ganged up against a local Church opposing the construction of a Church building at a village in the Indian state of Odisha. They are threatening to demolish the Church building, claiming that it has angered the gods of their village. “The Sarpanch and the villagers were completely aware of the construction work ever since it[Read More...]

Elderly Woman, Daughter-in-Law and Son Savagely Attacked by Fanatics in Madhya Pradesh

A 72-year-old woman, her son and daughter-in-law were mercilessly beaten to a state of unconsciousness by religious fanatics in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. The elderly mother was left with a broken hand while the head injuries that her son sustained required stitches. “Early in the morning, on the 14th of August, my mother and wife were busy with[Read More...]