Chris Cuomo

3 Things CNN Did This Week That Suggest the Mainstream Media Is Full of Sh*t

(TIM Opinion) — Over the past week, CNN has been battling allegations of scripting a town hall event, spreading fake news, and exposing the identity and location of a woman during an interview. These accusations have been claimed by some as proof that the network fails to live up to its “Facts First” credo, while others view […]

CNN’s Chris Cuomo Retweets and Defends Bogus News Story About Buying Guns

(TIM) — On February 19th, CNN host Chris Cuomo retweeted an article, written by Cody Davis and published by The Tab, which bore the headline “I was able to buy an AR-15 in five minutes.” In the 2-year-old article, Davis described a visit to a Virginia gun shop. He wrote that he approached an employee for assistance in picking […]

Kellyanne Conway and fake news CNN’s Chris Cuomo, clash in marathon 35 minute segment (Video)

Now that CNN has another fake news Russia story, courtesy of a 20 minute meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer over adoption rights, CNN’s chief fake news host, Chris Cuomo invited White House top aide Kellyanne Conway onto his morning show, turning a 5 minute segment into a 35 minute circus debate.
Cuomo questioned the Trump’s credibility arguing that there were “huge legal and ethical implications” of the meeting.

CNN’s Chris Cuomo broke the law with this tweet, bullying a 15 year old kid

Chris Cuomo is no stranger to saying idiotic things.
In October 2016, Cuomo (a die hard Hillary Clinton supporter) said that it was “illegal” for ordinary citizens to look at the Wikileaks Podesta’s emails…

“Remember, it’s illegal to possess these stolen documents. It’s different for the media. So everything you learn about this you are learning from us.”

VOTE: The 2017 Horace Greeley Award for Best Fake News Journalist

If you’ve been following this year’s Fake News Final Four at 21WIRE, you will have also heard about the prestigious award for the best individual fake news journalist or media personality, because to call some of these people journalists would be inappropriate.
The post VOTE: The 2017 Horace Greeley Award for Best Fake News Journalist appeared first on BSNEWS.

VOTE: The 2017 Horace Greeley Award for Best Fake News Journalist

If you’ve been following this year’s Fake News Final Four at 21WIRE, you will have also heard about the prestigious award for the best individual fake news journalist or media personality, because to call some of these people journalists would be inappropriate.
Here are the Top 10 finalist nominees for the first annual Horace Greeley Award for Outstanding Work in Fake News Journalism…

CNN’s Chris Cuomo hates being called ‘fake news’ (VIDEO)

More and more people are beginning to realize how terrible, inaccurate, and fake CNN is, that the network and it’s personalities are pulling out all the stops to try and deflect any of the well-deserved criticism. And in expected liberal fashion, Chris Cuomo resorts to race baiting to distract sensitive viewers from CNN’s plummeting numbers.

CNN’s New ‘Source’: ISIS Magazine – Claims ‘Schweppes Bomb’ Brought Down Russian Airliner

Patrick Henningsen | 21st Century Wire | November 20, 2015 Just when you thought the mainstream media coverage couldn’t get anymore surreal. Question: should ‘ISIS’ be considered a credible news source? Sadly, CNN does. In the wake of the Paris Attacks, a most disturbing trend has suddenly emerged in the mainstream media’s ‘terror’ coverage – […]