
Chiropractic Adjustment for Low Back Pain & Leg Pain, Sciatica, Hip & Pelvis Chiro Demo

Chiropractic Adjustment for Low Back Pain & Leg Pain, Sciatica, Hip & Pelvis Chiro Demo
Dr. Jeff Echols discusses how to help with low back and shoulder pain by adjusting the pelvis and hips.
Dr. Echols is a Chiropractor in Austin, Texas.
Visit Dr. Jeff Echols Website at;
Model: Corrina Rachel

Chiropractic Adjustment for Shoulder Pain

Chiropractic Adjustment for Shoulder Pain, Are Your Arms Working? Neck, Carpal Tunel
Dr. Jeff Echols discusses how to help with shoulder pain and problems such as frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel, neck pain, etc. He shows how muscle testing can be used to determine which of the arm muscles need to be addressed. For athletes, these muscle tests are a great way to determine if your arm muscles are working properly.
Dr. Echols is a Chiropractor in Austin, Texas.
Visit Dr. Jeff Echols Website at;