Chinese warning

The Second Alert from Miles Guo to the World

Author:Skagen【翻Gnews原创组】 Proofreader:Shifter【翻Gnews原创组】 Image: Skagen 6/20/2021 Mr. Miles Guo’s 2nd Alert to the World on Behalf of the New Federal State of China and the Whistleblowers’ Movement – Based on reliable intelligence, the CCP attempts to release the next round of bioweapon attack between the end of this summer and the beginning of this fall and […]

Xi Jinping in phone call to Trump: calm down on North Korea; follow China’s lead

In typical Chinese fashion, after the mailed fist comes the velvet glove.
Having warned the US via an editorial in Global Times yesterday that it will defend North Korea if the US invades North Korea and seeks to overthrow Kim Jong-un’s government, the Chinese government followed this up today with a telephone call to US President Trump by Chinese President Xi Jinping.