Child Sexual Abuse

Turkey: Land Without Free Speech or Basic Human Rights

A while ago, the president of Turkey claimed that there is freedom of speech in his country and he said, “In my country, there is no problem with freedom, everyone talks the way they like, everyone lives out their faith, everyone dresses the way they want, everyone eats and drinks whatever they desire. We haven’t brought any prohibitions. My country is no more a country with prohibitions.

Jeanice Barcelo - Pornography: Weaponized Degeneracy - Hour 1

Jeanice Barcelo, M.A., is a birth doula and independent childbirth educator, specializing in the prevention and healing of birth trauma. She is the author of Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine. Through her radio and television shows, Jeanice has worked tirelessly to expose the evils of pornography, pedophile rings, Jewish supremacism, and more.