chemical weapons

More Damning Evidence of OPCW Cover-Up in Syria

More evidence has emerged to indict the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in carrying out a despicable cover-up in Syria. Even more damning is that the cover-up appears to have been orchestrated at the highest ranks of the organization in response to political pressure from the United States and Western allies.

OPCW Investigator testifies at UN that no Chemical Attack Took Place in Douma, Syria

Video and a transcript of former OPCW engineer and dissenter Ian Henderson’s UN testimony appears at the end of this report.
A former lead investigator from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has spoken out at the United Nations, stating in no uncertain terms that the scientific evidence suggests there was no gas attack in Douma, Syria in April 2018.

Ex-Bush Official: OPCW’s Syria Cover-Up Recalls Iraq War Lies

Former Bush administration official Col. Lawrence Wilkerson says that reports of US pressure on the OPCW’s Syria chemical weapons investigation in Douma recall the Bush administration’s coercion of the IAEA and OPCW before the Iraq war.
Aaron MATÉ
OPCW whistleblowers have exposed a cover-up, under US pressure, of evidence that undermined allegations that the Syrian government committed a chemical weapons attack in Douma in April 2018. The allegation prompted US-led airstrikes on Syria that same month.

Media have been spreading propaganda against Syria for years – journalist

Dec 31, 2019, RT America:
“Fallout continues from recent Wikileaks revelations, which confirmed that the OPCW had been pressured to alter its report to cover up evidence about the alleged April 2018 chemical attack in Douma, Syria. Investigative journalist and on-the-ground reporter Eva Bartlett joins In Question to discuss.”
I thank Robert Thorpe for his summary of the interview:

Trump’s Syria Missile Strike Was a Scandal

I suspect the Third World War will begin with a claimed atrocity — probably the use of poison gas by a ‘regime’ against ‘its own people’. Such things are now the favorite way to make wars where there was peace.
Border violations went out of fashion years ago. Invasions are illegal under the UN Charter. There are no Archdukes left to assassinate. ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ will forever evoke hollow laughter. But democracy needs a popular pretext for war, and righteous mass outrage about the inhumanity of the enemy is almost invariably effective.