chemical weapons

Jaysh Al-Islam Leader Criticizes Scale of US Strike on Syria

On April 14, the political leader of Jaysh al-Islam, Mohamad Alloush, expressed his disappointment with the US-UK-France strike that targeted Syria earlier and told Reuters news agency that the strike “was not enough”. Alloush also hinted that the U.S. should have overthrown the Damascus government in response to the alleged chemical weapons attack in the Douma district.

Curious timing for missile attacks against Syria. Was Trump covering up UK’s guilt?

Was Trump’s Friday night attack on Syria a cover up for the UK’s chemical weapons false flag in Douma?
The Chairman of the United States Army Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford confirmed that the last nights’ airstrikes that hit three facilities in Syria that the US claims are part of its chemical weapons program.

Tucker Carlson accused of pushing ‘Russian propaganda’ [VIDEO]

In previous pieces examining Tucker Carlson’s very honest analysis, we also saw how at times it gets blown to shreds by his own defensive behavior when questioned. Since the modus operandi of the American mainstream press (of which Fox News a part) is a sensationalized yelling match instead of a legitimate and civilized debate, it is often difficult to separate the rhetoric from the reality.

Murad Gazdiev Dismantles ‘Credibility’ of Key Source Promoting Chemical Attack Lies on Syria

Important commentary by Murad Gazdiev, on the alleged chemical attacks in Douma, Syria, and the usual suspect sources purveying these lies, which include the Syrian American Medical Society.


Gazdiev: “It was the Syrian SAMS–the Syrian American Medical Society–that initially claimed that they had treated 500 people with with symptoms indicative of exposure to a chemical agent.


Chemical Weapon Inspectors Officially Head to Syria to Investigate Alleged Gas Attack

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Inspectors from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) are headed to Douma, Syria, to investigate an alleged gas attack there. The attack was claimed to have happened Saturday, though no real evidence has yet been made public, and Syria is denying it. Russian military police have been at the site in recent days securing […]

Scandal-Plagued Trump Lurches to Conflict Without Investigating Alleged Gas Attack

WASHINGTON — World powers are reacting with increased urgency and alarm following scandal-plagued U.S. President Donald Trump’s threats of an imminent military strike against Syria following an alleged weekend chemical attack in Douma. Trump claimed that the war-torn country’s allies, including Russia and Iran, are bound to “pay a price” for the incident, which is yet to be investigated by international monitors.