chemical weapons

INTERVIEW: ‘US, UK Chemical Weapons Claims in Syria Fall Short of Reality’

Under both U.S. presidents, Barack Obama and Donald Trump, a steady stream of unfounded claims and dubious ‘evidence’ has been used to fashion a case against the Syria government for ‘using chemical weapons against its own people.’ One of the key actors in assembling their case against Damascus has been the western-funded pseudo ‘NGO’ known as the White Helmets. Where does the ‘official’ fiction end and the truth begin?


For immediate release
“A joint investigation by BBC Panorama and BBC Arabic claimed to show how chemical weapons have been used by the Syrian Government as part of a deliberate military strategy. Yet there are serious concerns over the investigation’s reliance on ‘broadly impartial’ sources — who are not named — and consequently the reliability of the report’s findings. 

U.S. History of Chemical Weapons Use and Complicity in War Crimes

The world is once again witnessing the height of U.S. hypocrisy as members of the U.S. State Department ratchet up anti-Russian and anti-Syrian rhetoric surrounding the use of chemical weapons in Syria and the UK. Ambassador Nikki Haley has warned Syria, Iran and Russia that they will be held accountable for their pre-determined use of chemical weapons in Idlib on innocent civilians. No evidence was provided to support her threats.

Netherlands Cuts Funding to White Helmets Over Likely Links to Terrorism

AMSTERDAM — Amid continued concerns that the White Helmets are currently staging a “false flag” chemical weapons attack in Syria’s Idlib, the Netherlands has decided to halt funding for the controversial group due to the “inadequate supervision” of White Helmets members on-the-ground and the group’s “likely” links to Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorist organizations.

On RT to discuss terror attacks on villages near Idlib, esp #Mhardeh, also White Helmets pending false flag chemical hoax

In studio in Damascus yesterday, discussing the tragic attack on Mhardeh on September 7, an attack with at least 9 Grad missiles, according to the local defense forces (NDF), 6 of which contained cluster sub munitions.
11 killed, over 20 injured, including critically. I interviewed Shadi Yousef Shehda, a father whose three young children were murdered, along with his wife and mother. His pain was beyond heartbreaking, while speaking to me and showing his children’s clothing and toys.

The Salisbury Poisoning Saga Goes On: And Makes Less and Less Sense…

The Salisbury poisoning saga has gotten more and more confusing and uncertain as it has dragged on. I don’t particularly even care: I’m just watching with baffled curiosity. In the first instance, I expressed doubts about the story, on account of both the timing and the fact that Salisbury (and later Amesbury, where the secondary […]