Chemical Attack

Porkins Policy Radio episode 88 A History of Media Manipulation from OJ to Syria with Brian Heiss

Frequent guest Brian Heiss joins me for an in depth discussion of the current state of the media, and their continued legacy of manipulation and deception. We begin our conversation by dissecting the bogus news story that OJ Simpson is set to make a reality TV show with Casey Anthony. Brian and I discuss now the genesis of this story is a TMZ article that determined that an OJ reality show was actually impossible to make at this current time.

The Escalating War On Syria And Need For International Law

“I believe that we must absolutely remember these pictures,” said the Bolivian ambassador. “After the invasion there were 1 million deaths and it launched a series of atrocities in that region.” (AP/Mary Altaffer)
On Tuesday 4 April there were reports of children and other civilians killed by chemical poisoning in the town of Khan Sheikhoun, Syria. There were contradictory reports, some saying they smelled the gas; others claiming it caused immediate death like odorless sarin.

Episode #180 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Syria Under Fire’ with guests Hanin Elias and Steven Sahiounie

(Photo Illustration 21WIRE’s Shawn Helton)
Episode #180 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this April 9th, 2017 as guest hosts Hesher and 21WIRE’s Shawn Helton bring you this week’s 3 HOUR special LIVE broadcast on the Alternate Current Radio Network

Putin Calls US Airstrikes on Syria ‘An Illegal Act of Aggression,’ Suspends Deconfliction Air Agreement with US

US missile strikes hit Syrian government Shayrat Air Base near Homs in central Syria, where U.S. officials alleged, with no evidence, that the Syrian military planes that dropped the ‘chemical weapons had been deployed from. 
21st Century Wire says…
Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a statement this morning condemning last night’s US airstrikes on Syria as ‘an illegal act of aggression’ in a heated response to the military action.

Without Evidence, Trump Launches 59 Cruise Missiles, Destroying Syrian Air Force Base

Last night President Donald Trump caved into the Pentagon, the political left, the Neoconservative pro-war lobby and mainstream media pressure to act after the release of YouTube videos produced by the US and UK-funded NGO the White Helmets – of an alleged ‘chemical weapons’ attack by the Syrian Airforce in the al Qaeda

Boiler Room #104 – War Sells… But Who’s Buying

Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of ‘The Boiler Room’ tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM CST | 9:00 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for bar fly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.