Chemical Attack

DOUMA: Alleged Chemical Attack – in Depth Briefing from Members of the Working Group on Syria Propaganda and Media

Douma Medical Point where the “victims” were received, of the alleged 7th April 2018 chemical attack. This photo was taken days after the UK/US/France unlawful bombing on 14th April 2018. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)
Paul McKeigue, Jake Mason, David Miller, Piers Robinson
Members of Working Group on Syria Propaganda and Media

How Western Meddling and a Dust Bowl Drought Ignited Syria’s Civil War

DOUMA, SYRIA (Opinion) —  The reported “chemical attack” at Douma, Russia has claimed, was fake news. One U.S. news agency has now confirmed from the location of the reported attack that April 7, 2018 was an uneventful day in this Syrian city and not one single person in Douma corroborated the story of a chemical attack taking place.

Making Sense of the Conflicting Ground Reports From Syria

In recent weeks the American public has been inundated with reports claiming the U.S., the U.K., and France have conclusive evidence that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad reportedly used chemical weapons against his own people. Most of the American, British, and French media have lined up behind the proclamations of their respective political leaders by declaring as fact that the Assad regime is responsible for alleged chemical attacks as far back as 2013. The most recent attack is alleged to have taken place earlier this month in Douma, Syria.

CNN reporter inhales deadly ‘chemical weapons’ on camera: ‘Yeah that stings’

CNN, the world leader in hard hitting, real news (do you sense any irony?), has produced this stupendous report from a refugee camp in Northern Syria, with people it says “survived” the “chemical attack” in Douma earlier this month.
The US, Britain and France alleged Syrian President Bashar al-Assad pointlessly attacked his own people in Douma with sarin nerve agent, prompting the three nations to launch air strikes on Syria on the night of April 13-14th.
CNN correspondent Arwa Damon was at the camp to interview the “survivors” – as well as sample a little sarin herself.

Mainstream Journalist Visits Site of Syrian Gas Attack, Questions Official Story

(ANTIMEDIA) — There are more than enough sound reasons to doubt the official narrative on the Syrian conflict and the alleged poison gas attack, according to the Independent’s Robert Fisk, who is currently on the ground in the Syrian city of Douma. While in Douma, Fisk met with Dr. Assim Rahaibani, a Syrian doctor from an underground clinic that emerged as […]

Watch: Russia Predicted a Fake Chemical Attack, US Response Before It Happened

(TFC) – Sometimes bizarre claims by foreign governments are so shocking they are dismissed and never thought of again. But what happens when the events predicted occur exactly as described? A stub of an article published by Reuters on March 13, 2018, almost a month before the purported chemical attack in Ghouta, reads: “Russia said […]