
In 2014, Barack Obama voted against UN anti-Nazi resolution (Video)

November 23, 2014, the United States, Canada & Ukraine voted against Russia’s anti-Nazism resolution at the United Nations.
UN General Assembly’s Third Committee passed a Russia-proposed resolution condemning attempts to glorify Nazism ideology and denial of German Nazi war crimes. The only countries to vote against the resolution were the US, Canada and Ukraine.
The resolution was passed by 115 votes against three, with 55 nations abstaining.

Boiler Room EP #123 – Right vs. Left, Jerry Springer Style

Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for this week’s broadcast of ‘The Boiler Room’. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.

SJW Trigger Warning! ID Politics – Gilad Atzmon / Jay Dyer on Sunday Wire

This week we deliver another LIVE broadcast from the UK, as SUNDAY WIRE host Patrick Henningsen is joined by two incredible guests to discuss the disturbing political situation in America. In the first hour we’ll be joined by artist and the brilliant and controversial best-selling author and internationally acclaimed jazz artist, Gilad Atzmon, to discuss Charlottesville and the problem of Left vs Right identity politics in the West, as well its roots in Jewish ID politics, and how society might be able overcome the downward spiral it currently finds itself in.

From Occupy to Charlottesville & Beyond – Identity Politics, the Gladiatorial Arena & the Balkanisaton of Society…

In the article on the Charlottesville unrest and the broader issues of sectarian rifts and societal breakdown, I wrote about the possible psy-op properties and divide-and-conquer strategy being applied. I also wrote that ‘our hope should be that the majority of people are more intelligent and discerning than that and will refuse to get drawn […]

The Use Of Social Movements To Maintain Economic Hegemony

Wall Street, London, and the Bretton Woods institutions like the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund claim to support development and the eradication of poverty around the world. They also claim to support scientific progress and raising the global standard of living. However, often they seem to make friends and allies with very different goals.
As Nicaragua proceeds with a huge construction project that has dynamic global implications, one can see a certain international pattern repeating itself, with quite dangerous implications.

White Nationalist Christopher Cantwell Arrested For Using Explosives

Albermarle County police department confirmed Chris Cantwell was arrested just before 2 am Monday morning at a bus stop near the town of Esmont.
He is charged with two felony counts of illegal use of explosives as well as illegal use of gases and injury by a caustic agent.
AMS reported on the interesting chain of events that led the famous white supremacist to this point.

CNN host Alisyn Camerota is completely owned by these six Trump panelists (Video)

Fake news CNN hosted a panel of six Trump supporters Wednesday morning in an effort to continue to spin the Charlottesville protests into more bad press against POTUS Trump.
Unfortunately for CNN and host Alisyn Camerota, the panel completely pushed back against the CNN host, and her persistent argument that President Trump committed some sort of unforgivable sin by condemning both sides for violence in Charlottesville.