
Porkins Policy Radio episode 114 Nazi Captain America with Ryan Carey

Ryan Carey joins me once again to explore the strange world of comic books. We begin by looking at freelance comic writer Nick Spencer and his Nazi Captain America story-line. Ryan gives us an overview of Spencer’s reboot which has Captain America as a secret Nazi working for the evil “Hydra” since the very beginning, the Nazi’s winning the war, and good old Cap bringing about the Fourth Reich. Ryan and I talk about Marvel’s marketing of this new Captain America with Hyrda logo’s on all sorts of merchandise.

Dana Rohrabacher Seems To Be Making Every Move He Can To Lose His Reelection Bid

When Dana Rohrabacher was first elected to Congress in the '80s his Orange County district was beet red. Last year, nearly three decades on, the PVI was a very daunting R+7. Next year, Rohrabacher faces a more hostile environment. Trump lost the district to Hillary-- albeit narrowly-- and the PVI shows a slide towards the Democrats.

Beaten Charlottesville Protester Sues Over Deliberate Police Inaction

A man who says he was pepper-sprayed, doused with urine and beaten with canes during the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, has sued the city and state police chiefs, claiming their officers purposefully stood down during the violence.
Robert Sanchez Turner, 33, brought the federal complaint on Aug. 31 against Charlottesville, its Police Chief Al Thomas Jr., and State Police Superintendent Col. W. Steven Flaherty.