
From Greensboro 1979 to Charlottesville 2017: Police Absent In Face Of White Supremacist Violence

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA – Some among Virginia’s highest levels of law enforcement have stepped down this year amid a small cloud of controversy. Col. W. Steven Flaherty, superintendent of the Virginia State Police,  announced his retirement December 19 after 42 years with the agency. Charlottesville Police Chief of two years, Al Thomas, announced his retirement the previous day.

Charlottesville Police Chief Resigns After Damning Report

Charlottesville Police Chief Al Thomas resigned following criticism from an investigative report of his handling of the Unite-the-Right rally. The report said that Thomas ordered police to allow the alt-right, KKK, and neo-nazi protesters to violently ​clash with counter-protesters because that would make it easier to declare an unlawful assembly. Thomas denies telling his officers to “let them fight." Note, however, that the report did not claim that he said "let the fight." Instead, it accurately reported that he ordered officers to do nothing to interfere.

DEBATE: The Revolutionary Left vs The Revolutionary Right

Left and Right? It’s a battles of ideas and ideologies that’s still raging…

The following debate took place on on July 8th in a small theater in Manhattan, 2017 between ‘Alt-Right’ personality Augustus Sol Invictus and leftist journalist Caleb Maupin. This event was formally titled, “The Revolutionary Left vs. The Revolutionary Right.” The debate has been a big hit online, and was even promoted by Wikileaks’ founder Julian Assange via Twitter.

Charlottesville Police Chief Ordered Stand Down and Wanted Protesters to Fight

A new report on the Unite the Right event in Charlottesville reveals that police chief Al Thomas ordered police to stand down, and reportedly said, "Let them fight. It will make it easier to declare an unlawful assembly." The infamous Charlottesville parking garage fight was started by ​a 'counter-protester'. He was arrested and immediately released on an unsecured bond. ​In spite of the fact that videos shown on the Internet prove he actually instigated the violence, he received $166,000 from crowd-sourced funding.

Patrick Casey - The Future of Identity Evropa

Patrick Casey contributes to Red Ice and is the CEO of Identity Evropa.
A video version of this show is available here.
Patrick joins us to discuss Identity Evropa’s recent change in leadership. We talk about what the future holds for Identity Evropa, and Patrick dispels a number of misconceptions regarding the transition. We discuss Patrick’s involvement with the organization prior to being made CEO. Later, we talk about a recent bit of activism Identity Evropa did at Pier 14, the site of Kate Steinle’s murder.

Lawsuits Against Activists in the Wake of Charlottesville

Nathan Damigo, Richard Spencer, and Eli Mosley are Alt-Right organizers facing multiple lawsuits due to their involvement in the Unite the Right rally that took place in Charlottesville this past August. James Edwards, host of The Political Cesspool, joins us as well to discuss a separate legal battle he’s involved in. We’ll discuss these legal battles, private sector censorship, the Texas church shooting, and much more.

Law Enforcement Report Blames Charlottesville for Violence. Virginia may Crackdown on Protests

The report says that the City rejected many of the state's recommendations and ignored police standards for handling violent events. The task force recommends new rules for permits that include crowd capacity threshold, fees, and requiring permit holders to hire off-duty first responders. [...]