
Charles Koch and George Soros Support an ADL Program to Combat ‘Online Extremism’ and to Censor the Internet

The ADL organized the 'After Charlottesville Project' initiative aimed at combating "online extremism" that receives funding from Charles Koch and the George Soros Charitable Foundation. Both progressive and “conservative” elites hold the common goal of removing free speech.

Joe Biden Launches Campaign with Charlottesville Condemnation after Supporting Neo-Nazis in Ukraine

Former Vice President Joe Biden launched his candidacy for the American presidency on Thursday morning with the release of his first campaign video, ‘’America Is An Idea.’ The first word from the candidate’s mouth — “Charlottesville,” a town now synonymous with neo-Nazi hate in the U.S. — is the overwhelming focus of the ad, which attacks Trump for his widely criticized “moral equivalence” between neo-Nazis and anti-fascists.

Legal Cases Targeting Nationalists Opposing Globalization - Hour 1

Augustus Invictus, Esq. from the Law Office of Augustus Invictus, P.A. joins Henrik to talk about some of the most significant legal cases that have been intended to target nationalists who are opposed to globalization. We talk about the Rise Above Movement, James Fields, Matthew Hale and many others. We frame the discussion with what happened at Charlottesville as an example of an entrapment campaign against right wing activists by city and state police, together with the intelligence services.

AltRight Truth - James Fields' Trial Begins in Charlottesville: But What Really Happened? - Hour 1

James Alex Fields' murder trial has begun in Charlottesville. We try to get to the root of what really happened to Fields and why he drove his car into the crowd after the "Unite The Right" rally in August 2017. AltRight Truth joins Henrik to talk about his independent research and analysis of the available material.
A video version of this show is available here.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahI've lived in New York City for 39 years so I've gotten to see the Statue Of Liberty innumerable times. She's an elderly woman and frequently in need of repairs. She's a metaphor in that sense. But, the important thing is: She gets those repairs, imperfect though they may be. Most of us, in fact, gladly pay for those repairs. Sometimes, the repairs are only of the stop gap variety.